Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So, I plan on becoming incredibly fat. I hope nobody has an issue with that. The food here is seriously magical. Every taco stand is mouth-watering and Bourdain-worthy. The cheese is fantastic and it's in everything, just like lime, chiles, cilantro, onion, and the greatest fucking hot sauce/salsa you have ever had. There's a kiddy park and mercado thing next to my school where they sell every fried, spicy, morsel of joy you could think of. Clearly I eat there everyday with no regrets. Not to mention, there's a panderia on my way to school. The guy knows me now cuz I go there each morning to get shockingly fattening treats. The Chinese food is also surprisingly delicious. We went to chinatown and let me tell you fools, reading a Chinese menu in Spanish was probably the most difficult thing I've done so far. In class we read about import substitution industrialization and agrarian reform, but trying to figure out what they call Chow Mein here was nearly impossible. Besides tasting lovely, the city is also gorgeous. I know everyone thinks it's scary and dangerous, but they're wrong. It's surprisingly clean and gorgeous. Everything is mind-bendingly colorful, and where I live there are cobblestone streets and eucalyptus trees everywhere. Here are some pics:

P.S. Birth control= $3.50 without insurance and you don't need a prescription. I love it here.

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